Tuesday 31 December 2013

Tip of the day

A lot of infectious diseases can be spread via contaminated hands. Hence, washing your hands properly prevent d spread of organisms causing d diseases.

Tips for a flat Tummy

Step one:
If you want to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, you have to perform circuit training, three days per week. How can you achieve this? Indulge in full body exercises like lunges, push-ups, and pull-ups, for one set of 15 repetitions. Don’t forget to follow every exercise with one minute of jumping rope. You should be able to burn around 500 to 600 calories per workout.
Step two:
You have to work on your abdominal muscles three times in the week. Crunches and leg raises for three sets of 20 repetitions should be done. Also, do planks by holding your body in a push-up position on your elbows for 30 to 60 seconds for four sets.
Step three:
The kind of food you will eat in this period is vital in bringing about any change. Natural foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads and pastas, chicken, beef, fish and low fat dairy should replace processed foods full of sugar.
Step four:
To minimize water retention, lower your sodium intake. This means you need to avoid salt. You can flavour your food with other herbs and spices instead.
Step five:
Stressing and anxiety can cause the over-production of a certain hormone called cortisol, which encourages weight gain about the belly area. So try to keep your cool!

Friday 27 December 2013

Tip of the day

Signs of possible dehydration in children include: sunken eyes and  fontanel (soft spot on babies head), irritability, loss of skin turgor, dry tongue.

Relieve Stress by Drinking Black Tea

Tea is the world’s second most loved drink, that is, after water. To most people in fact, tea isn’t merely just about drinking up – it’s a culture transcending generations to generations. But most importantly, tea is known worldwide for its diverse health benefits. Numerous benefits, which medical professionals and researchers venture on in-depth research to prove these health claims.
Through the years, people have been drinking tea in the belief that it helps relieve stress. In fact, it has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine where it originated in the 16th century.
Today, some research studies have already backed up claims of tea’s ability to help reduce stress.
Black Tea
One particular study has established evidence that supports black tea’s ability to reduce stress.  This study was conducted by the researchers from the University College London (UCL) and is published in the medical journal Psychopharmacology.
The subjects involved regular tea drinkers. 75 young men were divided into two groups, one group taking a caffeinated tea containing components of an average black tea. The other group was under a placebo set-up, consuming a caffeinated drink identical to that of the first group, only devoid of black tea’s active components. The drinks given to both groups were prepared in a way that hide distinct sensory cues pointing to that of black tea such as smell and taste.
Participants from both groups gave up their normal tea and other caffeinated drinks. They underwent a six-week observation period, where they experienced tasks mimicking stress-inducing situations such as threats of unemployment and shoplifting accusations. Changes in heart rate, blood pressure, stress hormones, and subjective stress ratings were monitored. 50 minutes after the tasks, results suggest that tea drinkers, specifically loose leaf tea, get lower cortisol levels (an average of 47% in the tea drinking group against the 27% in the placebo group). Cortisol is a hormone released by the body in response to stress.
Another finding is that blood platelets of the black tea drinkers were lower as opposed to their placebo counterparts. Levels of blood platelets relate to blood clotting and consequently linked to risks of heart attack. Extremely high platelet count induces abnormal blood clotting that may result in heart attacks and stroke.
But perhaps the most significant finding is that participants from the black tea drinking group have experienced greater grade of relaxation and have reported lesser feel of stress during their recovery period.
Further research is yet required to pinpoint which of black tea’s components is responsible for this calming effect, but this however, is a huge milestone for the benefit of human health.

Will Bailey

Monday 23 December 2013

Tip of the day

To reduce swelling and bruising apply an ice pack with compression and elevation.

Clinical Pearl: Doctors save hand, attaching it to man's leg

  • A worker operating a machine in a family workshop in China accidentally cut off his hand -- which doctors were able to save by grafting it onto his lower calf. 
    The worker, Xie Wei, said he was initially unsure if his right hand could be saved, but he thought it was worth a try. The hand went without a blood supply for many hours while Xie searched for a hospital that could perform such a surgery.
  • Xie said that he went to local hospitals near the factory first, but he said they told him they "did not have the skills to help." Eventually he found a hospital about two hours away where doctors believed they could do it.
    Xie kept his hand in a plastic bag at first, then stored it in a cooler of ice. In total, it took about seven hours to get to a doctor who could help.
    The doctor, Dr. Tang Juyu, is a specialist in difficult tissue and wound repair cases. Before Xie went into the operation, Tang told him he was optimistic and predicted he would regain the use of his hand, according to Xie.
    Tang decided the best way to save the hand was to attach it to Xie's calf where there was a good blood supply. The hand would need to stay there until Xie's arm could fully heal.
    Tang believes there have been about 20 such cases in all of China and all of them have been successful. There is no data, as only case studies have been performed.
    Tang said in a similar operation in 2004, he grafted a hand onto a patient's belly. That operation was a success.
    When Xie woke up from the operation he said he was surprised to find his hand on his calf. He says his first reaction at the time was to think it was "unbelievable" and "weird."
    The hand itself felt warm, he said, but it was numb since no nerves were connected and only blood vessels were attached. His leg felt no different, he said, but was "heavier than usual."
    After about a month his arm was better healed, and he had another surgery where his hand was reattached.
    Tang says this second stage of the operation is actually more challenging, but everything went smoothly.
    Xie has recovered without complications and has been discharged. He is currently resting at home.
    He said he can twist his wrist to a certain degree, but doesn't have full movement with his fingers, at least not yet. Doctors told him a full recovery for the nerves in his hand should take about six months.
    Xie said he isn't sure what his future may bring. Today he is concentrating on recovering fully. The factory did pay for his operation, which cost about 300,000 Chinese yuan, or about $49,400.
    Most of all, Xie said, he is thankful to doctors for "living up to their promise" that they would be able to reattach his hand and make it functional again.


Sunday 22 December 2013

Tip of the day

Sleep is the best tonic for mental and physical health. People who do not get the normal restful sleep are usually jumpy and irritable.

First aid: Chest pain

Causes of chest pain can vary from minor problems, such as indigestion or stress, to serious medical emergencies, such as a heart attack or pulmonary embolism. The specific cause of chest pain is often difficult to interpret.
Finding the cause of your chest pain can be challenging, especially if you've never had symptoms in the past. Even doctors may have a difficult time deciding if chest pain is a sign of a heart attack or something less serious, such as indigestion. If you have unexplained chest pain lasting more than a few minutes, you should seek emergency medical assistance rather than trying to diagnose the cause yourself.
As with other sudden, unexplained pains, chest pain may be a signal for you to get medical help. Use the following information to help you determine whether your chest pain is a medical emergency.

Heart attack

A heart attack occurs when an artery that supplies oxygen to your heart muscle becomes blocked. A heart attack may cause chest pain that lasts 15 minutes or longer. But a heart attack can also be silent and produce no signs or symptoms.
Many people who experience a heart attack have warning symptoms hours, days or weeks in advance. The earliest warning sign of an attack may be ongoing episodes of chest pain that start when you're physically active, but are relieved by rest.
Someone having a heart attack may experience any or all of the following:
  • Uncomfortable pressure, fullness or squeezing pain in the center of the chest lasting more than a few minutes
  • Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms
  • Lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath
If you or someone else may be having a heart attack:
  • Call emergency medical assistance. Don't "tough out" the symptoms of a heart attack for more than five minutes. If you don't have access to emergency medical services, have someone, such as a neighbor or friend, drive you to the nearest hospital. Drive yourself only as a last resort, if there are absolutely no other options. Driving yourself puts you and others at risk if your condition suddenly worsens.
  • Chew a regular-strength aspirin. Aspirin reduces blood clotting, which can help blood flow through a narrowed artery that's caused a heart attack. However, don't take aspirin if you are allergic to aspirin, have bleeding problems or take another blood-thinning medication, or if your doctor previously told you not to do so.
  • Take nitroglycerin, if prescribed. If you think you're having a heart attack and your doctor has previously prescribed nitroglycerin for you, take it as directed. Don't take anyone else's nitroglycerin.
  • Begin CPR on the person having a heart attack, if directed. If the person suspected of having a heart attack is unconscious, a 911 dispatcher or another emergency medical specialist may advise you to begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Even if you're not trained, a dispatcher can instruct you in CPR until help arrives. If help from a dispatcher or emergency medical specialist is unavailable, begin CPR. If you don't know CPR, begin pushing hard and fast on the person's chest over the heart — about 100 compressions a minute.


Angina is a type of chest pain or discomfort caused by reduced blood flow to your heart muscle. Angina may be stable or unstable:
  • Stable angina — persistent, recurring chest pain that usually occurs with exertion
  • Unstable angina — sudden, new chest pain, or a change in the pattern of previously stable angina, that may signal an impending heart attack
Angina is relatively common, but can be hard to distinguish from other types of chest pain, such as the pain or discomfort of indigestion.
Angina signs and symptoms may include:
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Pain in your arms, neck, jaw, shoulder or back accompanying chest pain
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
The severity, duration and type of angina can vary. If you have new or changing chest pain, these new or different symptoms may signal a more dangerous form of angina (unstable angina) or a heart attack. If your angina gets worse or changes, becoming unstable, seek medical attention immediately.

Pulmonary embolism

Pulmonary embolism occurs when a clot — usually from the veins of your leg or pelvis — lodges in a pulmonary artery of your lung. The lung tissue served by the artery doesn't get enough blood flow, causing tissue death. This makes it more difficult for your lungs to provide oxygen to the rest of your body.
Signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism may include:
  • Sudden, sharp chest pain often accompanied by shortness of breath
  • Sudden, unexplained shortness of breath, even without pain
  • Cough that may produce blood-streaked sputum
  • Rapid heartbeat associated with shortness of breath
  • Fainting
  • Severe anxiety
  • Unexplained sweating
Pulmonary embolism can be life-threatening. As with a suspected heart attack, call 911 or emergency medical assistance immediately.

Aortic dissection

An aortic dissection is a serious condition in which a tear develops in the inner layer of the aorta, the large blood vessel branching off the heart. Blood surges through this tear into the middle layer of the aorta, causing the inner and middle layers to separate (dissect). If the blood-filled channel ruptures through the outside aortic wall, aortic dissection is usually fatal.
If you think aortic dissection is the cause of your chest pain, seek emergency medical assistance immediately. Typical signs and symptoms include:
  • Sudden severe chest or upper back pain, often described as a tearing, ripping or shearing sensation, that radiates to the neck or down the back
  • Loss of consciousness (fainting)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sudden difficulty speaking, loss of vision, weakness, or paralysis of one side of your body, such as having a stroke
  • Sweating
  • Weak pulse in one arm compared with the other

Pneumonia with pleurisy

Frequent signs and symptoms of pneumonia are chest pain accompanied by chills, fever and a cough that may produce bloody or foul-smelling sputum. When pneumonia occurs with an inflammation of the membranes that surround the lung (pleura), you may have considerable chest discomfort when taking a breath or coughing. This condition is called pleurisy.
One sign of pleurisy is that the pain is usually relieved temporarily by holding your breath or putting pressure on the painful area of your chest. This isn't usually true of a heart attack. If you've recently been diagnosed with pneumonia and then start having symptoms of pleurisy, contact your doctor or seek immediate medical attention to determine the cause of your chest pain. Pleurisy alone isn't a medical emergency, but you shouldn't try to make the diagnosis yourself.

Chest wall pain

One of the most common varieties of harmless chest pain is chest wall pain. One kind of chest wall pain is costochondritis. It causes pain and tenderness in and around the cartilage that connects your ribs to your breastbone (sternum).
In costochondritis, pressing on a few points along the edge of your sternum often results in considerable tenderness in those small areas. If the pressure of a finger causes similar chest pain, it's unlikely that a serious condition, such as a heart attack, is the cause of your chest pain.
Other causes of chest pain include:
  • Strained chest muscles from overuse or excessive coughing
  • Chest muscle bruising from minor injury
  • Short-term, sudden anxiety with rapid breathing
  • Peptic ulcer disease
  • Pain from the digestive tract, such as esophageal reflux, peptic ulcer pain or gallbladder pain that may feel similar to heart attack symptoms.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Tip of the day

Sugary snacks and other refined carbs spike blood sugar and cause pounds to settle in your midsection. Choose whole grains, beans, and vegetables.

Improving Body Strength without Weights

Improving body strength without a gym membership and access to bodybuilding machines is possible. The human body is like any structure that requires a solid foundation before it is able to efficiently deal with any external resistance. As such, it is always a good idea to build a strong body weight workout before you start throwing around heavyweights.
Every day, gym rats who have been constantly banged up from lifting heavyweights are keen on shifting into a more calisthenics-based strength training. Despite its obvious advantages, which include improved joint health, increased mobility, and greater proprioception, these people are unable to fully commit to body weight training without hesitation. For most people, the thought of strength training without external resistance is unfathomable. This, of course is a misnomer. When done right, bodyweight exercises can in fact be just as efficient in building muscles, burning fat, and improving overall athletic performance. Here are a number of body weight exercises that are efficient alternatives to weights-based strength training workouts.
  • Push-Ups Instead of Bench Press
Over the years, push ups have earned a reputation of being too easy as far as strength training exercises are concerned. However, this isn’t necessarily true. Push ups is efficient not only in building the chest, shoulders, and triceps. It is also great in stabilizing the torso and the lower back. Trainers understand that enough resistance is needed to induce fatigue within 5-15 reps, and develop significant strength and muscle gains. The trick is not to forgo of push-ups entirely but to explore its many variations. If you can complete a set of 50-rep push-ups without breaking a sweat, then it is time you try other push-up variations, such as close-grip push-up, the clapping push-ups, and the classic one-arm push-ups. And if that is still too easy for you, feel free to try the one-hand clapping push-ups.

  • Handstand Push-Ups Instead of Military Press
The military press is among the most fundamental strength training workout for a good reason. Military press efficiently builds not only upper body strength but a strong core as well. The handstand push-ups basically gets you the same workout and helps you achieve the same result. This workout is basically military press turned up-side-down. Unlike the traditional push-ups, hand-stand push-ups require substantial amounts of strength, and balance. If you are still unable to properly execute a hand-stand push-up, you can instead try doing a pike press. A pike-press is a hand-stand push-up, only with your body bent in half while your hips and feet rest on a bench.

  • Pull-Ups Instead of Pull-Downs   
Regarded as the king of upper-body pulling, even lifters who are so used to throwing around heavyweights acknowledge the inherent intensity and difficulty of pull-ups. Everyone should do, or at least try to do pull-ups. If you are unable to properly execute pull-ups just yet, then a good alternative would be to do flex hangs, or negatives. For most people, completing a set of 15-rep pull-ups is difficult enough. But if regular pull-ups become too easy, then it is about time you explore its many variations which include the clapping pull-ups, muscle-ups, and one hand pull-ups where your opposite arm grips and assists your forearm. And if these still prove to be too easy, there is always theone-arm pull-ups.

Deborah Jones

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Tip of the day

Research shows that eating high fat foods contributes to high blood cholestrol levels, which can cause atherosclerosis,stroke and other complications.

Health Benefits of the Cashew Nut

1. Prevents Cancer:
Proanthocyanidins are a class of flavonols which fight against tumor cells by stopping them to divide further. These proanthocyanidins and high copper content in cashew nuts help fight against cancerous cells and keeps you away from colon cancer. This is one of the major cashew nut benefits.
2. Healthy Heart:
Cashews contain low fat content when compared to other nuts and that too in the oleic acid form which is very healthy for heart. They are cholesterol free and the antioxidants present keeps you away from heart diseases.
3. Lowers High Blood Pressure:
Cashew nuts lower your blood pressure with the help of magnesium present in them.
4. Helps Hair:
Copper is the mineral which helps your hair get that color. So if you take cashews which are full of copper content, you can get that black hair that you always wished for.
5. Healthy Bones:
Like calcium, magnesium is also important for bone health which is the main content in cashew nuts.
6. Healthy Nerves:
Magnesium is stored on the bones surface which prevents calcium from entering the nerve cells and thus keeps the blood vessels and muscles relaxed. Insufficient amount of magnesium can lead calcium to enter the blood vessels leading them to contract. It also leads to high blood pressure, migraine headache etc.
7. Prevents Gallstones:
Daily intake of cashew nut can reduce the risk of developing gallstones up to 25%.
8. Helps in Weight Loss:
Even though cashew nuts are considered as fats, it contains good cholesterol. So contrary to popular belief, those who eat cashews at least twice a week gain less weight when compared to those who eat less.
9. Anti-oxidants:
Selenium, copper, magnesium etc. act as co-factors for many enzymes.
10. Helps Digestion:
Cashew nuts help in growth and development, nucleic acid synthesis and digestion.
11. High on Vitamins:
Cashew nuts are rich in vitamins like riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamin, niacin etc. These vitamins keep you safe from sideroblastic anemia, pellagra, etc.
12. Healthy Gums and Teeth:
As mentioned before, the magnesium content present in cashew nuts is very good for bones. So it gives healthy teeth as well as strong gums to hold them.
13. Pleasant sleep:
After menopause, these cashew nuts can give you relaxed and pleasant sleep during nights.
14. Free Radicals:
Cashew nuts help our body to utilize iron properly and eliminate free radicals which cause health problems.
15. Macular Degeneration:
Cashew nuts have the ability to filter Sun’s UV rays and protect us from macular degeneration.
Now that you know the health benefits of Cashew nuts, ensure that you eat a few once every week I am sure you already love them.

Sunday 15 December 2013

Tip of day

Try to reduce your fat intake by changing your cooking methods. Try grilling, baking, steaming or poaching, rather than frying.

6 Common Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Know your body, recognize when it may be trying to warn you about something, and don’t ignore certain symptoms.
Keep in mind that some of your body’s signs may be more subtle than others. To help you identify which should raise a red flag, here are six of the most common symptoms to look out for and which type of cancer they may be linked to, according to Anita Johnson, MD, FAS, Medical Director of chest Surgical Oncology at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America.
1. Abdominal bloating/feeling full too quickly, and pelvic pain. If you’re feeling bloated all of the time, seem to feel full quickly (or have difficulty eating), and are experiencing pelvic pressure or abdominal pain, this may indicate ovarian cancer, explains Dr. Johnson. Another sign may be a change in bladder habits, like always having the urge to go to the bathroom. Most of these symptoms can also be caused by other less serious conditions, but if your gut tells you that this is a stark change from how you usually feel, schedule an appointment with your Ob/Gyn immediately.
2. Painful urination, abnormal bleeding after menopause: If you seem to have trouble urinating, or unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge (especially after menopause), this could signify uterine cancer. There are different types of uterine cancer, but the most common type starts in the endometrium, the lining of the uterus—which is why it’s also referred to as endometrial cancer. There’s no test for this disease, so it’s discovered primarily when you experience symptoms, according to the American Cancer Society. Here are some other symptoms to be aware of. Do yourself a favor and get checked out.
3. Depression, unexplained weight loss, and changes in the color of urine and skin. According to Dr. Johnson, depression, if supported by other symptoms such as loss of appetite and weight loss and a “gnawing pain in your abdomen,” often precedes most cases of pancreatic cancer. A tumor or cancer in the pancreas may grow without any symptoms at first, which is why it’s often advanced when first found. Pancreatic cancer is slightly more common in women than in men, and the risk increases with age. Some other early symptoms to be mindful of are dark urine and clay-colored stools, as well as any changes in the color of your skin (particularly if it seems yellowish). If you experience any of the hallmarks of this condition, including any or all of these symptoms, see your physician and discuss, advises Dr. Johnson.
4. Changes in bowel habits and blood in your stool: These signs are often confused with inflammatory bowel disease, but they can actually be early symptoms of colon cancer. If you notice a change in your bowel habits, like diarrhea or constipation that lasts for more than a few days and/or rectal bleeding, dark stools or blood in the stool, this can be a cause for concern. “It can be confusing as to which part of your body the blood may be coming from (e.g. v**ina vs. colon),” acknowledges Dr. Johnson. See your doctor to confirm your symptoms.
5. Skin changes; increase in the size of lymph nodes under the arm. While the warning signs for chest cancer can be different for everyone, the most common ones to look out for are changes in the look or feel of your chest and bosoms, as well as bosom discharge. A lump, hard knot, or ‘thickening’ inside the chest or underarm area can also be indicators. While screening mammography remains the best tool to discover early chest cancers, some other signs that can help identify the cancer early are skin changes. Keep an eye on your skin: Some chest cancers show up as red or thickened skin rather than the expected lump. Look for peeling/flaking of the bosom or redness (pitting) on the skin over your chest. If you notice any other skin changes, like changes in the color, size, shape, or feel of warts, moles, or freckles, you should also see a doctor right away since it may be a melanoma.
6. Hoarseness, shortness of breath, and unexplained shoulder pain. A nagging cough or hoarseness may be a sign of lung cancer, according to Dr. Johnson. Hoarseness can also be a sign of cancer of the voice box (larynx) or thyroid gland. If the cancer is growing, you might have more unusual symptoms like shoulder pain or paralysis of the vocal cords. Warning signs aren’t always there or easy to pick up on, so here are some other symptoms to watch out for.
It’s important to know your own body so you’re more likely to discover changes and react to them faster. If you have symptoms similar to these almost daily for more than two weeks, and they can’t be explained by other more common conditions, document them and take the questions/concerns to your doctor right away. Check out some other early signs of cancer from the American Cancer Society here.
If the cause of your symptoms is cancer, getting it diagnosed and treated early offers you a much better chance of a good prognosis, so stay on top of your health.

Saturday 14 December 2013

Tip of the day

Weight-bearing activities such as running or dancing are great for increasing your bone health.

Too Much Exercise Is Bad For You, Here’s Why

In a bid to lose weight quickly, we tend to overtrain
which could affect the health negatively. So, it is important to recognise the signs of the negative effects of exercise.
Dr. Rohit Malhotra, Physiotherapist with the Delhi based Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute explains how over-exercising or overtraining can cause health problems.
Here they are:
More Prone To Injuries: When you exercise excessively your body becomes more prone to injuries. Muscle soreness is very common when exercising a lot. Your body needs to rest. If you exercise a lot, it can lead to strained ligaments and tendons. These put your bones at risk for fractures. Too much exercise can also harm your body tissues.
Muscle Mass: You tend to lose muscle mass and your body suffers from nutritional deficiency. You curb your body’s need for nutrition by excessive exercise and dieting, which can have an adverse effect on your overall health.
Weakened Immune System: When you exercise a lot your body’s immune system weakens. You get more prone to viruses and colds. Exercise affects your body and leaves it exhausted. Furthermore, your weakened immune system is not efficient enough to kill bacteria or other illnesses.
Eating Disorders: People who are addicted to over exercising and have just weight loss in mind are prone to developing various eating disorders. Disorders like bulimia and anorexia can affect these people because the main cause for these disorders is compulsive exercising.
Sleeping Disorders: People face this problem because their body feels very tired, lethargic and drained out. They have difficulties in sitting still. Everything seems heightened and the body aches because of excessive exercise.
Cessation of Menstrual Cycle: Many studies show that female athletes who face extensive training suffer from bone loss. This state is called amenorrhea and if it persists for a long time, then it is difficult to cure. Other factors like changes in diet, excessive weight loss and stress can also cause amenorrhea.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Tip of the day

Good posture is thought to help d flow of energy in d body and so standing tall or sitting up straight is thought to help improve your energy levels.

Probiotics, Prebiotics, Fiber And Cholesterol

What are probiotics and their benefits?
  1. Probiotics are microbial foods or supplements that prevent or reduce the colonization of pathogenic flora and reestablish normal gut flora.
  2. The microbial strains that prove to be the most beneficial are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.
  3. There are several clinical applications for probiotics which include treatment of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, urinary tract infections, and Candida vaginitis, reduction in Clostridium difficile, the management of hepatic encephalopathy, and the reduction in serum cholesterol levels.
  4. Potential benefits may also include management of inflammatory bowel disease and the prevention of cancer.
  5. Food sources of probiotics consist of dairy products with live microorganisms such as yogurt and culture-added milks.
  6. Other forms of probiotics are capsules, tablets, and powders but the amount of viable bacteria is often lower than what the label claims.

What are prebiotics, their functions and benefits?
  1. Prebiotics are nondigestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth or activity of specific bacteria in the colon.
  2. The major prebiotics are transgalactosylated disaccharides, fructooligosaccharides (FOSs), xylooligosaccharides, and soybean oligosaccharides.
  3. The most well-known prebiotic is FOS. FOSs resist enzyme hydrolysis by the small intestine and arrive in the colon completely intact. While in the colon bacteria ferment them, producing energy, short chain fatty acids, and various gases. Fermentation allows an increased production of Bifidobacterium, which proves to be beneficial to the health of the host. Increased levels of Bifidobacterium have shown to increase calcium absorption and decrease the growth of potential pathogens.
  4. Foods with a high FOS content include chicory, onions, and bananas. In addition, FOSs have been added to beverages and dietary supplements (e.g., they appear as inulin or FOS on the ingredient list on food labels).
What is dietary fiber and what are its benefits?
  1. Fiber refers to carbohydrates and related substances in the diet that are not digestible; therefore, it is not classified as a nutrient.
  2. Fiber does perform several physiological functions in the gastrointestinal (GI) system. The primary properties of fiber in the gut seem to be (a) its hydrophilic capacity, which increases stool bulk and decreases transit time, (b) its ability to bind other dietary substances, so that changes in the fiber in the gut seem to be its hydrophilic capacity, which increases stool bulk and decreases transit time, and (c) its ability to bind other dietary substances, so that changes in the fiber content of the diet will alter absorption and bioavailability of both nutrients and toxins.
  3. The physiological consequences have been shown to affect the control of diabetes mellitus, disorders of lipid metabolism, and obesity. Fiber content of the diet may also affect the incidence of some cancers. Another positive aspect of fiber ingestion is fiber fermentation. All fibers, except lignin, can be fermented by the gut bacteria and produce components known as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).
  4. The three most common fatty acids produced are propionate, acetate, and butyrate. Each of these provides energy to the colonocytes, but only butyrate has trophic effects on the colonocytes. The more soluble the fiber (pectins, gums, mucilages), the greater is the SCFA production.

What is cholesterol and its role in human body?
  1. Cholesterol is a member of the sterol group of organic compounds. It is derived from fats and can be synthesized endogenously in quantities sufficient to meet metabolic demand.
  2. Cholesterol is an integral part of cell structures and a precursor of some hormones and vitamin D.
  3. Cholesterol is present in some foods and is absorbed during the process of digestion. Dietary sources of cholesterol may be associated with the development of atherosclerosis.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Tip of the day

Burns are susceptible to tetanus. It is recommended u get a tetanus shot every 10yrs. If your last shot was more than 5yrs ago, get a booster shot.

5 Reasons You Should Start Eating Onions

Onion is a member of the Allium family and is rich in sulfur containing compounds that are responsible for its pungent odor and for many of onion’s health promoting effects.
Cardiovascular BenefitsThere is evidence that sulfur compounds found in onion work in an anti clotting capacity and help prevent the unwanted clumping together of blood platelet cells. There is also evidence showing that onion’s sulfur compounds can lower blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides and improve cell membrane function in red blood cells as well. The benefits of onion in the overall dietary context extend to prevention of heart attack. The outstanding flavonoid content of onions supports these research findings.
Bone and connective tissue benefitsHuman studies have shown that onion can help increase your bone density and may have special benefit on women of menopausal age who are experiencing loss of bone density. Plus, there is evidence that women who have passed the age of menopause may be able to lower their risk of hip fracture through daily eating of onions.  In this research on bone density in older women, very rare eating of onion like once a month or less did not provide much benefit. Daily consumption of onion boosts benefits for bone density. So do not skimp on onions when you are incorporating them into your diet plan. The high sulfur content of onions may provide direct benefits to your connective tissue as many of your connective tissue components require sulfur for their formation.
Anti inflammatory benefits
This allium vegetable has nevertheless been shown to provide important anti inflammatory response. A unique sulfur molecule found in the bulb portion of the onion has been shown to inhibit the activity of macrophages- specific white blood cells that play a major role in your immune system and one of their defense activities is the triggering of large scale inflammatory responses. Onion’s antioxidants provide you with anti inflammatory sources. These antioxidants help prevent fatty acids oxidation in your body. When you have lower levels of oxidized fatty acids, your body produces fewer inflammatory messaging molecules and your level of inflammation is kept in check.
Cancer protection
Onion has been shown to lower the risk of several cancers, even when you consume it in only moderate amounts. Colorectal, laryngeal and ovarian cancers are the types for which risk is reduced along with moderate amounts of dietary onion. Do not err on the side of small onion servings or infrequent onion intake if you want to obtain the full cancer related benefits of this veggie. Try to include at least one whole onion in the recipe. In terms of individual portion sizes when you sit down to eat, try to consume the equivalent of half onion.
Other health benefits
Onions have shown potential for improvement of blood sugar balance, help prevent bacterial infection. Along with sulfur compounds, the flavonoid quercetin found in onion helps provide these antibacterial benefits. Some studies suggest that length of storage for onion that has been chopped but not cooked and duration of heat exposure in this case involving exposure to steam for ten minutes can affect some of onion’s health benefits. For these reasons, special care is needed in the storage, handling and cooking of this vegetable.

Monday 2 December 2013

Tip of the day

Washing hands is a healthy habit that must not be ignored. Dirty hands are the biggest transmitter of diseases

Top 10 Modern Lifestyle Factors Causing Cancer

Cancer has become a monster for health care systems world over. It is an emotionally, physically and financially draining illness not only for patients and caregivers but also for the state apparatus. The key findings of most of the research studies, carried out about cancer are that 1 in 3 cancer cases can be prevented if people adopt a healthier lifestyle. Following is the list of such factors which, if avoided, can prevent the occurrence of cancer.

10. Exogenous Hormones:

Use of hormonal contraceptives in young females and hormone replacement therapy in elderly females account for 1% of all cancers in women.

9. Reproductive Factors:

Avoiding to breastfeed is becoming quite popular among young females because probably they don’t know that 2% of all cancers in women are linked with breastfeeding for less than 6 months (often not breastfeeding at all).

8. Exposure To Radiation:

Exposure to ionizing radiation can occur in general or working environment, which is linked to 1.8% of all cases of cancer.

7. Infections:

Infections cause around 3.1% of all cancers. Human papillomavirus (HPV),  Helicobacter pylori, Epstein Barr virus, hepatitis B and C viruses, HIV and human herpes virus are all closely linked with cancer.

6. Sunlight And Sunbeds:

Exposure to sunlight is a well known cause of cancer and 3.5% of all cancers are caused by people laying on sunbeds. Sunbeds are held responsible for 85% of all malignant melanoma cases.

5. Occupation:

Poor working conditions such as polluted environment cause around 3.7% of cancers. Lung cancer and mesothelioma are the biggest problems especially among coalmine and industrial workers.

4. Alcohol:

Drinking too much alcohol causes around 4% of all cancer cases. Alcohol is linked with cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and oesophagus.

3. Obesity:

An excess of body weight/fat causes many health problems including 5.5% of all cancers, which can be avoided if people just lost weight. Women are at greater risk from obesity than men, obesity being the second biggest risk factor in women. Obesity is linked with cancers of the uterus, kidney and oesophagus. Visceral obesity (belly fat) is especially dangerous.

2. Poor Diet:

Out of total number of cancer cases 9.2% have been attributed to inappropriate diet. A diet lacking in fruits and vegetables, too much red and processed meat, too little fiber and too much salt are all risk factors. Recent development is that a strong association has been found between pork consumption and primary liver cancer. Apart from cancer pork has also been found to cause liver cirrhosis and multiple sclerosis.

1. Tobacco Use:

Despite all the legislation, public awareness, education and health campaigns, tobacco is still the biggest problem, accounting for 23% of all cancer cases in men.

Saturday 23 November 2013

How To Live Longer——10 Strange Ways

10.Living Long By Learning A New Language

Good brain function is an important ingredient of healthy longevity. Ability to speak 2 or more languages ensures good brain function. This ability delays the onset of Dementia (loss of memory due to old age) and Alzheimer’s (Loss of memory due to disease mostly during middle age). Studies have proven that both these conditions can be delayed by at least 5 years if the person in question possesses the ability to speak 2 or more languages.

9. Starve To Smartness

Low calorie diet results in long healthy life and delays the signs of ageing like insulin resistance and elevated blood pressure. It has been proved in animals that if they are kept hungry while provided all the essential nutrients then they live longer. Now humans are also trying low calorie diets by stopping eating short of being full and it has resulted in many beneficial health effects.

8. Being Religious

A few studies have proven that those who follow some religion live longer than atheists. This might either be due to stronger social support among the religious communities or due to direct divine intervention.

7. Dwell On Mountains

It is now a proven fact that communities living on mountains live longer as compared to those living in the plains. A good proportion of these communities live to be 100 or more and living examples are high-country Colorado counties and tiny communities of Sardinia. This long-life effect of living on heights could be due to fresh mountain air or due to good work out given to your heart by uphill walk or because of both the reasons.

6. Gene Therapy

Although not available for human beings but it has been proven to prolong life in mice by 24%. It was tested in mice of all ages and was found to be successful in all age groups but younger the mice more successful the therapy was because younger mice treated with this technique lived longer than older mice treated with this technique.

 5.Busy And Work Hard To the Limit

A project analyzed data collected about 1500 children over a period of 80 years , starting in 1921 showed that those individuals lived longer who were most involved with and committed to their jobs as adults. While those individuals who were happy-go-lucky, carefree and had a good sense of humor lived shorter. Although it is said that happiness and health go hand in hand but people are happy because they are healthy and not other way round.

4. Become Rich

The ‘Haves’ live longer than the ‘have nots’. Hence stop thinking about getting rid of all your belongings and consumerism to live a simple life. Rich countries have a long life expectancy among their residents as compared to those of living in poor countries and even in rich countries rich people live longer than poor ones. Hence work hard and get rich if you really want to live a longer and healthier life.

3. New Body Organs

New body organs except brain can be grown using ones ones own cells. These organs can be used to replace those which bail out on the  person in question due to ageing. Because when you die only one vital organ fails while others are working perfectly alright. Since these organs are grown from one’s own cells hence there is no question of rejection. Skin is being grown for quite sometime in laboratories while now it has become possible to grow even more complicated organs like heart and bladder.

2. Right Kind Of Medicines

The desire of many for eternal life or at least longer life has led to the research for such medicines which could prolong the life of the human beings. One such medicine is rapamycin which prolonged life by 14 % in mice but since its use in humans is for suppressing the immune system in transplant patients hence it increases the risk for development of cancer.  Some more research for its further refinement can lead to development of a useful drug for prolonging the life of human beings.

1. Do Good Deeds In This World

You should not always be saying me, me, me, rather you should always be ready to help others. One of the ways to help yourself is to help others. A review of more than thirty longitudinal studies carried out by the Corporation for National and Community Service found that volunteering increases your life expectancy significantly, especially if you’re doing it for purely altruistic reasons.
Not only that, volunteering builds your social networks, and having a lot of friends around you in your old age also helps you live longer. The same effect isn’t noted for family relations, though. What’s that saying, you can choose your friends..?